
Version Update: SellPro - OMS - 2.1.4 (Beta)

Release Date: 1/29/2018

Major Features

[DEV-426] - OMS 2.0 Copy and edit option
[DEV-588] - Notes for OMS 2.x
[DEV-740] - Activity Log (History Log)
[DEV-428] – Enhanced Admin Section (OMS 2.0)
[DEV-438] - Forum Feature (Disqus))

Additional Features

[DEV-1035] - Display courses in awards edit screen (click-through)
[DEV-1023] - Limit size of text and character count for 50/50 image and text 
[DEV-1138] - Dashboard list assembled in the dropdown menu to optimize space for analytics.
[DEV-764] - Add a horizontal line as a template to the HTML editor
[DEV-1073] - Define award type in the general info tile
[DEV-1038] - Sharing certificate should only give you one point
[DEV-1039] - Limit the SellPoint override option to 10 points
[DEV-1006] - Re-send award and claim emails option in the award status page
[DEV-1116] - Event Reminder Email- Virtual Event
[DEV-1117] - Event reminder email - Live and Live Single-Store
[DEV-681] - Add search functionality to all drop down lists
[DEV-739] - If file is deleted from a folder (Ref. Library and/or Toolbox), we also delete the file from our server (keep analytics


[DEV-546] - We need the sort options to work on all applicable columns
[DEV-746] - OMS preview issue - Videos Replaying
[DEV-1045] - Scrolling bar not consistent and not working on some fields
[DEV-1080] - Check boxes in the "Quiz Questions" summary form should be active or look different (not look like clickable fields)
[DEV-1091] - Push/Feed Character Counter not showing on all pages
[DEV-1101] - Country field required for rebates
[DEV-1072] - Status bar should clear when content, events and awards become no longer active
[DEV-762] - HTML editor not accepting image files created with the Microsoft Snipping tool
[DEV-979] - Disclaimer doesn't populate when created by a brand admin (role 3)
[DEV-1008] - Countries do not save for retailer visibility in the "Brands" section of the OMS.
[DEV-1021] - User Creation/Edit - No error message is displayed when an emails change is attempted for an email that already exists in the database
[DEV-1027] - Retailers Do Not Populate in List When Creating Courses
[DEV-1029] - Unrewarded event awards need to be put back in inventory after 7 days and close the event
[DEV-1032] - Tax form issue for Canadian users
[DEV-1033] - Leaderboard not updating
[DEV-1057] - Empty default screen SellPro logo needs to be updated
[DEV-1063] - Toolbox and Reference Library status update emails
[DEV-1069] - Update status changes emails
[DEV-1071] - When cancelling event, we need to display an "Are you sure" pop-up
[DEV-1079] - We MUST show the Zip radius for physical/live events
[DEV-1083] - Logo fields in tiles need to change based on status - Brand Screen
[DEV-1086] - Changes to "Category Images" tile need to be made
[DEV-1087] - Store Menu Screen needs to be designed as defined in the product requirements
[DEV-1088] - Categories (main menu) - Some changes need to be made
[DEV-1089] - When creating Users, error message does not show if a duplicate username is submitted
[DEV-1090] - Countries/Retailers selected in the Brand screen need to cascade on all content (Courses, Libraries, Events, etc.)
[DEV-1107] - Event Creation: Country Field Not Operating Correctly
[DEV-1109] - Award Creation: Image Error Prevents User from Saving award, Even After the Image Has Been Corrected
[DEV-1111] - Stores screen - States do not cascades when country is selected
[DEV-1118] - Rebate submission
[DEV-1119] - When you register as guest and select a country, the "Retailer" field does not populate
[DEV-1120] - Registering via the microsite by using the "Register with SellPro account"
[DEV-1036] - Event and ProShop awards - setup adjustment

Learn. Earn. Sell.