
Forum Feature (Disqus)

Items Required for Setup

Create Disqus account:

  1. Go to the Disqus login page:
  2. Click on "Get Started
  3. Under "Signup" tab, fill out your information
    1. Name
    2. Email
    3. Password
    4. Click "Signup" button
  4. Click "I want to comment on Sites"
  5. In the top right corner click the Settings icon
  6. Click on Settings
  7. On the Accounts page, locate your username
  8. On the Profile page, you are able to
    1. Upload an Avatar 
    2. Change your name

Account creation

  1. Use an email address you have access to, as you'll need to verify the account(s) you create.
  2. Once an account is created, verify the email account (a verification email will go out). 

Provide User name to your SellPro Administrator

  1. Login to
  2. Click profile picture located on the top left portion of the screen
  3. Click "Settings"
  4. Click the "Account" tab on left side of screen
  5. Look for the username field (this is the username you need to provide to your SellPro Administrator)
    1. Recommendation: consider updating your user name to make it easily identifiable and relatable for forum users (in case you will be posting comments and moderating your brand forum), as this will be visible to all forum participants (example: instead of "johndoe" use "John_ACME").

OMS Interface

Note: Your brand needs to be configured by your SellPro Administrator to access the forum feature in advance of setting up a new forum in the OMS. The configuration process may take several business days, so please plan accordingly.

Creating a Forum

  1. Log in to OMS ( and choose to post your forum discussion as a topic in a course, or as an item in a Reference Library or Toolbox folder.
    1.  Course
      1. Create new course or find the desired existing course (as long as the course hasn't been activated) and click the "Edit" button
      2. Scroll to "Topics", click "add" and select "Disqus forum"
      3. Enter forum name and click save
    2. Reference
      1. Create new Reference Library or find the desired existing Reference Library folder and click the "Edit" button 
      2. Scroll to Reference files and click "add" and select "Disqus forum"
      3. Enter forum name and click save
    3. Toolbox
      1. Create new Toolbox or find the desired existing Toolbox folder and click the "Edit" button 
      2. Scroll to Toolbox files and click "add" and select "Disqus forum"
      3. Enter forum name and click save

Forum Name

The topic/file name entered during topic/file creation is how you will identify the forum in the Disqus interface. Make sure this name is contextual to the forum and that it is unique.

Additional Notes

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