
The SellPro Lifestyle: Lifestyle Photography and App Screenshots

Lifestyle Photography

The photographs used in relation to SellPro should feature young couples or individuals in consumer electronics stores, preferably with a sales representative. Colors should be vibrant, content should be exciting or inspiring, and overall appearance should compliment the SellPro brand. Lifestyle images should be brand agnostic, unless using brands that specifically highlight your brand in a co-branding environment.

Below are some examples of acceptable lifestyle imagery, which are readily available from stock media sites such as Shutterstock and iStock.

App Screenshots

Screenshots of the SellPro app that are intended for use in advertising, co-branding, or other media purposes must be pre-approved. As SellPro is always expanding with exciting new features, the screens below may become obsolete - please request the latest approved screenshots from Client Services to ensure you are up-to-date.


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